46. What is the purpose of the Drafts & Submissions Component in AEM Forms Portal?

The Drafts & Submissions Component is used to display forms that are saved as drafts for completing later and submitted forms.

47. How do you add and configure the Drafts & Submissions component in AEM Forms Portal?

To add the Drafts & Submissions component, you can either drag and drop it from the Components pane or select it from the Insert New Component dialog. To configure it, select the component and click on the Configure icon. Specify the title for the form listing, choose between draft or submitted forms, and select the desired format (card or list).

48. How do users interact with the Search & Lister Component in AEM Forms Portal?

Users interact with the Search & Lister Component by using it to list adaptive forms on a page and to implement search functionality for the listed forms.

49. Explain the configuration steps for the Search & Lister component in AEM Forms Portal.

To configure the Search & Lister component, select the component and click on the Configure icon. In the Display tab, specify the component title, layout format, and optionally hide search and sorting features. In the Asset Folder tab, define the folder location from where forms are listed. In the Results tab, set the maximum number of forms to display per page.

50. What is the purpose of the Link Component in AEM Forms Portal, and how do you configure it?

The Link Component allows users to provide links to adaptive forms on a page. To configure it, select the component and click on the Configure icon. In the Display tab, provide the link caption and tooltip. In the Asset Info tab, specify the repository path where the asset is stored, and in the Query Params tab, specify additional parameters in key-value pairs.

51. How can you configure asynchronous form submission using Adobe Sign in AEM Adaptive Forms?

To configure asynchronous form submission using Adobe Sign, open an Adaptive Form in edit mode, select the Properties icon, and expand the ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE option. Enable Adobe Sign and configure the Submit Form action to trigger after every recipient completes the signing ceremony.

52. What are the two ways to save forms as drafts in AEM Adaptive Forms, and how do they differ?

Forms can be saved as drafts by creating a "Save Form" rule on a form component (e.g., a button) or by enabling the Auto-Save feature. The "Save Form" rule triggers when a button is clicked, while the Auto-Save feature saves the form automatically based on predefined events or time intervals.

53. Can you explain the steps to create a "Save Form" rule on a form component in AEM Adaptive Forms?

To create a "Save Form" rule, open an Adaptive Form in edit mode, drag the Button component to the form, configure the button to trigger the rule, open the Rule Editor, create a rule with "is clicked" as the trigger and "Save Form" as the action, and save the rule.iuytre.

54. How do you enable the Auto-Save feature for an adaptive form in AEM, and what configuration options are available?

To enable Auto-Save, open an Adaptive Form in edit mode, select the Properties icon, and expand the AUTO-SAVE option. Enable the checkbox to enable auto-save and configure the Adaptive Form Event to trigger auto-save based on events or time intervals.

55. What are the key considerations for creating accessible adaptive forms in AEM?

Creating accessible adaptive forms in AEM involves ensuring that the forms are perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust for all users, including those with disabilities. Key considerations include providing text alternatives for non-text content, ensuring keyboard accessibility, organizing content in a logical structure, and using semantic markup.

56. How can you provide text alternatives for non-text content in adaptive forms?

Text alternatives for non-text content can be provided by using descriptive alt attributes for images, captions or transcripts for multimedia content, and descriptive labels for form fields. This ensures that users with disabilities who may not be able to perceive the non-text content can still understand its purpose and meaning.

57. What techniques can be used to ensure keyboard accessibility in adaptive forms?

Keyboard accessibility in adaptive forms can be ensured by ensuring that all form elements are accessible via keyboard navigation, using appropriate focus styles to indicate the currently focused element, and ensuring that interactive elements such as buttons and links are operable using the keyboard alone.

58. What is the purpose of integrating AEM Forms with Adobe Analytics?

The purpose of integrating AEM Forms with Adobe Analytics is to collect and analyze data about how users interact with forms and documents. This integration allows organizations to gain insights into user behaviour, form completion rates, and the effectiveness of their forms and documents. These insights can then be used to improve the user experience, optimize form design, and make data-driven decisions.

59. How does AEM Forms integrate with Adobe Analytics?

AEM Forms integrates with Adobe Analytics through the use of Adobe Experience Manager Forms SDK and Adobe Analytics integration tools. These tools enable the collection of form data, such as submission times, user interactions, and form completion rates, which can then be sent to Adobe Analytics for analysis. The integration also supports the tracking of document interactions, such as downloads and views, providing a comprehensive view of user engagement with forms and documents.