1. What is AEM Forms and what are its main features?

Expect to AEM Forms is a component of Adobe Experience Manager that helps businesses create, manage, and optimize digital forms. It's used to build forms that adjust to different devices and conditions, making it easier for customers to fill them out online. AEM Forms also connects to business systems to pull in and send out data.

2. What are the key features of AEM Forms?

  1. Form Design Tools
  2. Adaptive Forms
  3. Document Generation
  4. Digital Signatures
  5. Data Capture and Validation
  6. Security and Compliance
  7. Localization and Internationalization

3. What is An AEM form Template?

An AEM Forms Template is a reusable blueprint or framework used to create consistent and standardized digital forms within the Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) platform. These templates provide a structure for designing forms, defining layout and styling guidelines, and specifying functional components such as fields, buttons, and validation rules.

4. What is a Theme?

A theme in AEM Forms is a pre-defined set of visual styles, including colors, fonts, and other design elements, that can be applied to digital forms to ensure consistency in appearance and branding. Themes allow organizations to customize the look and feel of their forms according to their brand guidelines, enhancing user experience and maintaining a cohesive visual identity across all form submissions.

5. What is AEM form core Component?

AEM Forms Core Components are pre-built, reusable elements provided by Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) for designing and developing digital forms.

6. List out some core components?

Text Field: Allows users to input text.

Dropdown Field: Provides a list of options for selection.

Checkbox Field: Allows users to select multiple options from a list.

Radio Button Field: Presents users with a list of options for single selection.

Date Picker Field: Enables users to select dates from a calendar.

File Upload Field: Allows users to upload files.

Button Component: Provides buttons for form submission, reset, or navigation.   

Form Container: Wraps form elements and provides container properties.

7. What are the key components of an Adaptive Form in AEM?

  1. The key components of an Adaptive Form in AEM include:
  2. Form container: The main structure of the form.
  3. Form fields: Input fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, etc.
  4. Panels and sections: Used for grouping and organizing form elements.
  5. Theme editor: Allows customization of form appearance.
  6. Form data model: Defines how form fields are mapped to data sources.

8. What are client libraries in AEM Adaptive Forms, and what purpose do they serve?

Client libraries in AEM Adaptive Forms are collections of client-side resources such as CSS, JavaScript, and image files that are used to enhance the functionality and styling of adaptive forms. They help organize and manage client-side code

and assets efficiently.

9. What are Submission Actions in AEM Forms, and how do they work?

Submission Actions in AEM Forms are predefined actions triggered upon form submission. They facilitate various post-submission tasks such as data processing, storage, and notification.

10. What is the Template Editor in AEM Forms, and what is its purpose?

The Template Editor in AEM Forms is a feature that allows users to create and customize templates for adaptive forms. Its purpose is to provide a visual interface for designing and modifying the layout, appearance, and behavior of adaptive form templates. Users can drag and drop form components, define styling, and configure settings to create personalized templates that meet specific design requirements.

11. How do you create a custom adaptive form theme in AEM Forms?

To create a custom adaptive form theme in AEM Forms, follow these general steps:

  1. Define the desired visual design and styling requirements for the form theme.
  2. Create or modify CSS, JavaScript, and image files to implement the desired design and functionality.
  3. Package the theme files into a ZIP archive with the required folder structure.
  4. Upload the ZIP archive containing the theme files to the AEM Forms theme repository.
  5. Apply the custom theme to adaptive forms or form containers using the AEM Forms authoring interface.

12. What are Adaptive Form Fragments?

Adaptive Form Fragments are reusable components within Adaptive Forms. They allow developers and form authors to create complex forms more efficiently by breaking them down into smaller, manageable pieces. Fragments can be used multiple times within a single form or across different forms, promoting consistency and reducing the time and effort required to create and maintain forms.

13. What is a submit action in the context of Adaptive Forms in AEM?

A submit action in Adaptive Forms is triggered when a user submits the form. It allows developers to define what happens after the form is submitted, such as sending the form data to a backend service, redirecting the user to another page, or performing some other action.

14. What is the Rule Editor in AEM Adaptive Forms?

The Rule Editor in AEM Adaptive Forms is a powerful tool that allows form authors to define rules that control the behavior of form fields based on user input or other conditions. These rules can be used to dynamically show or hide fields, enable or disable fields, set field values, and more, without the need for custom coding.

15. What are some common use cases for using the Rule Editor in Adaptive Forms?

  • Conditional Field Visibility: Showing or hiding fields based on the values of other fields.
  • Conditional Field Enabling/Disabling: Enabling or disabling fields based on user input or other conditions.  
  • Setting Default Values: Automatically setting field values based on predefined rules.
  • Validating Field Inputs: Implementing custom validation logic for form fields.
  • Triggering Actions on Form Submission: Defining actions to be taken when the form is submitted, such as sending data to a server or redirecting the user.